This tool is easy to download and install, and it also eases the process of Hindi typing.

One of the most popular phonetic typing tool is Input Typing Tool which is a software developed by Google. With the help of a typing tool, you can use the English characters to type Hindi words which are then automatically converted into the Hindi font. ■ Use Third-Party Phonetic Typing Tool – This option is the easiest among all. Also, your information remains vulnerable to theft.

The problem with this option is that you remain dependent on the typist, and your work my hamper in his/her absence. ■ Hire Hindi Typist – This is yet another option for you in case you do not want to learn Hindi typing and still want to draft letters and applications in Hindi on a regular basis. Once you are master in one font, you might find it difficult to use any other Hindi font because every font has its different keys and ASCII values. Also, you might also need to choose a particular font such as Kruti Dev and become master in it. However, the downside of this option is that you might have to invest some time in learning Hindi typing and become proficient in it. The best part when choosing this option is that you do not remain dependent upon any software solution or human being for Hindi typing. ■ Learn Hindi Typing – This option is the best one if you are going to use Hindi applications and letters on a regular basis and you don’t want to delegate this task to any other person due to obvious confidentiality reasons. Hindi, you have various options among which you can choose the best one as per your convenience. If you are from India and want to type applications, articles, and other formal or informal letters in Indian language, i.e. Which Is the Simplest Way to Type Hindi in MS Word