So how do you pin objectives? In the objectives menu, you'll be able to select missions by going to that mission type and selecting a mission to "Pin" by pressing the space bar on keyboard and mouse. You can also see here if you currently have a silencer on your weapon, toggleable with the F key. If the health bar has red sections, it means you've sustained a minor injury, which you will need to treat with Health Kits or Syringes. As for the ammunition count and health, those are on the bottom left.

Other things of note are that it will always display your region and your current location within said region in the bottom right underneath the map. Your class skill can be activated by pressing Z on keyboard and mouse, which does have a cooldown timer that you'll be able to see. Pressing Tab on keyboard and mouse will bring up the user interface, which includes ammunition count, a mini-map, and the list of pinned objectives. The first thing we should probably cover in our Ghost Recon Breakpoint guide is the rather cluttered user interface. While the majority of Ghost Recon Breakpoint's UI is self-explanatory, there is an added layer of complexity due to the fact that it bombards you with tutorials that you may not remember hours in.
There are now also a selection of guides about the brand new Raids that were introduced in December 2019. Our Ghost Recon Breakpoint guide will provide some information to get you started with the game, as well as our Ghost Recon Breakpoint tips to help you in both PVE and PVP. With these Ghost Recon Breakpoint tips, they should help you get started with the liberation effort, including how to change class. This time around you'll be facing off against an enemy with technology more advanced than your own, complete with big hulking metal automated tanks and radar scrambling technology to disorientate you.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint has been out for a little while now and is the latest in Ubisoft's open-world military shooters.